Shape Properties

You can control the appearance of a shape with points through its:

1) Fill
2) Border thickness
3) Line color
4) Last border segment

To make the interior of the shape transparent, select Filled and choose No.

This shows a shape that is not filled.

To change the border thickness around the shape or the thickness of a line, select Line Width.

This shows a shape with no border (i.e., line width equal to 0).

To set whether the last border segment of the shape is drawn or not, select Closed.

This shows a shape with the last segment not drawn. When the shape is also not filled, we have a line.

The property dialog for text looks different because text has different properties than shapes with points. The color of text can be changed by clicking on the Color property. A dialog that lets you set color will appear. The text, font, font size can be edited by clicking on the Type property. A dialog will appear in which you can edit the text.

Assigning button properties and making a non-text shape into a symbol are explained in the next section.
